Tag: work

If you work an on-call, unpredictable schedule, you frequently go to bed and get up at different times. Even if you work a fixed schedule, you may be on the job in non-daylight hours. Your work schedule may be out of sync with the daily activities of family and friends.
Your body clock adjusts to schedule changes. This process moves slowly, however. After switching between day work and night work, for example, most people find it takes several days to feel as alert and sleep as soundly as they usually do.
There are several things you can do to prepare and manage your time for optimal sleep, especially if you regularly work at night.
Your healthcare provider may suggest that you see a sleep specialist, and refer you to a sleep center in your area.
Sleep as much as you can at the same time every day—five hours or more, if able—preferably at night, when humans sleep best
Even short naps—20 to 30 minutes—can help restore alertness, enhance performance, boost concentration, improve reaction time, and benefit manual dexterity.

Personal Story

Mindfulness programs in the workplace, from stress-reducing courses to meditation and yoga, aim to combat burnout and stress while potentially improving sleep quality.
If you work an on-call, unpredictable schedule, you frequently go to bed and get up at different times. Even if you work a fixed schedule, you may be on the job in non-daylight hours. Your work schedule may be out of sync with the daily activities of family and friends.
Dan shares his story as a locomotive engineer and brakeman who works at night. He talks about the challenges of night work and how he manages to get good sleep.

Savvy railroaders have devised tactics to cope with their often unpredictable hours. They have figured out how to best get sleep in daylight hours, when sunlight, noise, and other factors make sleep shorter or less restful than it would be at night.

Your life will feel more balanced if you make an effort to optimize your comfort wherever you are. Here are some tips to help make you feel more comfortable away from home.

Railroading career challenges - a railroader's story
Fatigue management is a team effort, at work and at home. It requires both personal and organizational responsibility.

Railroaders have difficult schedules. They work hard to try to balance family life and work.