Tag: family

Working the Rails, Balancing Family

If you work an on-call, unpredictable schedule, you frequently go to bed and get up at different times. Even if you work a fixed schedule, you may be on the job in non-daylight hours. Your work schedule may be out of sync with the daily activities of family and friends.

Working the Rails

If you work an on-call, unpredictable schedule, you frequently go to bed and get up at different times. Even if you work a fixed schedule, you may be on the job in non-daylight hours. Your work schedule may be out of sync with the daily activities of family and friends.

Connect with Friends and Family

It may be harder to stay in touch with family and friends when your schedules don’t mesh—but it’s not impossible.

Enjoy Family Life

Unpredictable schedules can impact your family life, but there are ways to feel closer to your railroader and help make the most of the time you do have together.

Plan for Family Meals

Arranging your schedule to be able to eat together as a family as often as possible is a good practice.

Find Personal and Relationship Time

Even with your railroader’s hectic schedule and need to balance sleep with family life, it’s important that you also find time to take care of yourself, in order to best support and help run the household.

Ask for Support at Home

You work hard to contribute to giving your family a good life. Take time to enjoy the benefits of your work with those you love most. Communicate your needs to them and make an effort to understand their needs, too.