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Check Your Risk for Sleep Disorders Now

~ 1 min read

People who get less sleep than they need build up a sleep debt. An eight-hour sleeper who sleeps only six hours is two hours in debt.

Don’t wait to find out

There are many tools designed to help you get to the bottom of sleep challenges you face.

Keeping a daily focus on sleep by charting your sleep on paper or electronically and/or wearing a sleep tracker and by checking your alertness throughout the day and work cycles, you may be able to address sleep issues before they become long-term bad habits.

In addition to the resources in the Sleep Toolkit, you may be interested in screening yourself for five of the most common sleep disorders using the Anonymous Sleep Disorders Screening Tool.

Sleepiness Scales

When do you feel most sleepy? Most alert? Do you doze off while watching TV? While talking with friends? Find out more about your sleepiness by taking the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.