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Sleep Disorders

Railroaders may have to sleep away from home several days each week. The hours available for sleep may not be at the optimal time for sleep on their body clocks.

Attempting sleep at varying times, as railroaders often must do, can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep, and to get enough sleep. Because humans sleep best at night, attempting daytime sleep often proves challenging.

Sleep disorders may keep you from getting the sleep you need. Effective treatment can help you sleep better, feel better, and function better on and off the job.

Sleep specialists have identified more than 60 sleep disorders. While some are mild, others can sap your energy, and harm your health. Other health problems also may mimic sleep disorders. Read on in this section to understand details of some of the most common sleep problems.

Advice For Railroaders That May Have Sleep Disorders (0:25) Kevin Sexton, General Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, provides advice for fellow railroaders.